Pop culture enthusiast Chris Witherspoon thrives on his passion for providing the latest entertainment news. Witherspoon is an entertainment contributor for NBCUniversal and is frequently seen on The Today Show, MSNBC, and NBC News Now. He is also the founder and CEO of Pop Viewers, an app currently available on Apple iOS that serves as way for television and film watchers to react, comment, and discuss the latest shows and movies available. The creation of Pop Viewers shifted the veteran entertainment journalist into the world of tech and his star is going getting brighter after announcing the app had partnered with long-time Hollywood heavyweight Steve Harvey. Witherspoon says, “At 17, I got a life-changing piece of advice: ‘If you don’t see the example, be the example.’ Since then, I’ve lived by that, coloring outside the lines, shooting high-flying arrows, and being the change I want to see.”  —KM
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